After getting his first bloody nose, Pearl is mad with rage. However, Sanji continues to fight him. Meanwhile, Gin has taken Zeff hostage.
When Pearl gets her first bloody nose in her life, she goes into a rage and sets her armor on fire by slamming the pearls into it. Many chefs are startled and warn him that he will set the whole ship on fire. However, as a cook, Sanji warns the other cooks that they shouldn’t be afraid of the fire as he jumps over the firewall that Pearl created.
Sanji continues to fight Pearl with his superior speed and kicking abilities. He tells them that a cook’s tools include his hands, so he only uses his legs to fight. Pearl gets more and more upset when Sanji destroys him.
To stop him from destroying the ship, Don Krieg throws the button towards Sanji and Pearl. Luffy is able to fend her off with his Gum Gum bazooka. The button instead destroys Don Krieg’s mast, which capsizes, knocking Pearl unconscious.
However, the Krieg Pirates have not yet said the last word. As they fight, Gin shoots Zeff and threatens to take his own life while holding a gun to his head.