Momonosuke tries and tries to move Onigashima. CP0 members send troops to the land of Wano. Inside, Sanji realizes that, like his siblings, he may have a genetic advancement that allows him to instantly heal.
Momonosuke attempts to create Flame Clouds to move Onigashima, but struggles to create them as the clouds immediately disintegrate. Yamato decides to leave him and return to the island to secure the explosives; because explosives are stored on the island, if the island hits the flower capital, the explosion will amplify the explosives. To prevent this, Yamato climbs back onto the island and runs inside.
Lucci contacts Guernica and the other CP0 members on the island and plans their moves. If the alliance wins the battle and Kaido falls, the world government plans to take over the country of Wano and make it a member state. Lucci informs them that reinforcements are on their way. He also informs them of another target of interest: Nico Robin.
Sanji’s fight with the Queen is intensified when he uses Diable Jambe against the Queen. The Queen uses his Brachiojaurus move: with his cyborg enhancements, he separates his head and tail from his body, making his body resemble a snake. He captures Sanji and holds him, breaking his bones and crushing him. However, Queen accidentally fires missiles at herself, freeing Sanji from his grip.
Surprisingly, Sanji gets up to find that he was unharmed by the Queen’s attack. Even though his bones are broken and bruised, he is able to pound his body back into place. The Queen attempts to cut off Sanji’s head, only for the blade to shatter against Sanji’s neck, causing him little pain. Sanji realizes that he may have genetic enhancements just like his siblings.