Despite his courage, the Mayor is no match against Buggy, but Luffy arrives in time to save him. As Nami prepares to search for the treasure, Luffy beats the mayor unconscious to keep him from getting in his way while he and Zoro prepare to fight the Buggy Pirates.
Boodle challenges Buggy on town business. As the crew laughs, Cabaji, Buggy’s employees offer to deal with the mayor himself and leap into the air to knock him down. Buggy enters and tells Cabaji to back off because the mayor challenged him directly. Boodle’s claim that the town is his treasure amuses Buggy, who only sees gold and silver as treasure.
Buggy cuts off his right arm and sends it towards the mayor, grabbing him by the neck and lifting him off the ground. Boodle tries to get Buggy off of him and punches him in the neck where his hand is holding him. He struggles for air while Buggy gloats that after this city he plans to go to the Grand Line and steal all the treasures there. He is amused by Boodles’ efforts, but Luffy appears in time to save the man and removes his hand from Boodle’s neck.
Buggy reattachs his arm as Nami tells Zoro and Luffy to fight while she grabs the Grand Line map and any treasures she can find nearby. The Mayor is displeased to see Luffy and the others as he wanted to fight Buggy on his own. However, Luffy knocks the mayor unconscious with a punch (much to Nami’s shock) to make sure he is safe and out of the way.
Luffy then calls out to Buggy, yelling “Hey, big nose!” to provoke him. Due to his reputation for overreacting to anything related to his nose, Buggy’s crew, Zoro, and Nami are all horrified. Buggy then demands that his crew load another Buggy Ball into the cannon while Zoro and Nami flee for cover. Rubber Man fires a powerful cannonball towards Luffy, deflates like a balloon and fires the cannonball right back at the Buggy Pirates.