Angered by Buggy’s handling of his hat and calling himself Shanks’ friend, Luffy begins to fight again. In a camp outside the city, the villagers are worried about their mayor and decide to go help. Buggy finally loses his temper with Luffy and remembers his relationship with Shanks. He remembers how different their opinions were about the treasure and accuses Shanks of accidentally eating the devil fruit. Back in the present, Buggy prepares to attack, but notices that Nami has stolen his treasure and lunges at her instead.
Luffy is still upset that Buggy said Shanks was his friend, but Buggy insists that he can say whatever he wants about the pirate. Buggy starts to separate his body, but Luffy punches him to stop him. Buggy Pirates lying on the ground can’t believe their captain is losing. Nami suddenly realizes that she is caught watching the fight.
In the camp behind the village, the villagers are now worried about their mayor. When Poro decides to head into town to find him, the others support him and they all go.
Buggy claims that Shanks is the one person who has angered him the most over the years. He has a flashback to when they were fellow pirates. Shanks and Buggy fight on the pirate ship over whether the north or south pole is colder. An unnamed older crew member steps in and stops their fight by slamming their heads together, telling them if they really want to find to prove what’s cooler, then they should go find out for themselves.
A lookout tells the crew that a vessel is approaching, and they prepare for battle. Buggy is delighted at the idea of getting some treasure from the ship, but Shanks replies that there is more to being a pirate than treasure, despite what Buggy thinks. During the fight, Buggy finds a treasure map to an underwater horde of treasures. Buggy hides the map so he can claim the treasure himself.
Later that night, Shanks leaves the wild party on the ship to ask Buggy why he won’t join, explaining that they found a rare treasure on an enemy ship. Buggy shows signs of guilt, leaving Shanks to wonder what Buggy is hiding. Convinced that his plan will succeed, Buggy discusses his future with Shanks and talks about leaving the ship. Shanks says he might as well leave, find a crew and travel the world as a pirate. Buggy scoffs at his ideas, telling Shanks that he’s too naive and innocent to ever pose as a pirate, and that if it weren’t for his crazy ideas, he’d have him on his crew. Shanks refuses, citing that their views are too different, and agrees that if they ever meet at sea, they will fight to the end.
Shanks reveals that the party was because they found the Devil Fruit; After telling Buggy the power and value of the fruit, Buggy decided to eat it the next day. He swallows the Devil Fruit whole in front of the entire crew. He tells the others that the fruit had no effect on him, and they all dismiss the stories they’ve heard about the Devil Fruits. Unbeknownst to them, Buggy has already mistaken the fruit for a fake and plans to sell it. That night, Buggy plans to leave the crew and begin his dream of becoming a pirate. Shanks surprises him by suddenly appearing; in desperation, he hides the Devil Fruit in his mouth and the map in his jacket. Buggy manages to get Shanks to leave, but as he breathes a sigh of relief, Shanks reappears behind him, scaring Buggy and causing him to swallow the devil fruit.
Buggy is in complete shock at what he has done, but before he can yell at Shanks, Shanks points to a fluttering piece of paper heading over the side of the ship. Buggy realizes that this is his map and jumps on it; when he lands in the water, he discovers that the story of the sea turning against devil fruit users is true and he is unable to swim. Up on the ship, the crew gather and wonder why Buggy hasn’t surfaced yet when he’s a good swimmer, and Shanks ends up diving into the water behind him.
After hearing Buggy’s story, Luffy was relieved to hear that Shanks had saved Buggy’s life. This enrages Buggy as his plans have been set back ten years due to the loss of the Devil Fruit. Buggy notices Nami with the stolen treasure and launches the upper half of his body at her.