Believing that the Straw Hats were responsible for the special rum he was drinking, a fight broke out between Dorry and Luffy, with Luffy easily defeating Dorry thanks to his injuries. Luffy believes that neither Brogy nor his crew would resort to dirty tactics and believes that there may be a third party involved. Elsewhere, Miss Valentine and Mr. 5, two disgraced agents of the Baroque works, enter the wax house where they are greeted by Mr. 3. He informs them of their job to capture the two giants Dorry and Brogy, as they both have a Beli100 reward. 000,000 from when they were still pirates. It is also revealed that it was Mr. 3 who planted the bomb in the rum. Outside, the middle volcano erupts, signaling another duel between the two giants.
Dorry believes the Straw Hats have betrayed him and attacks Luffy. Vivi tries to convince him that they didn’t know who put the explosive in the barrel. She tells him to stay put as his body is pretty damaged. Dorry tries to slash him with his sword, but Luffy dodges the attack. He jumps in front of Dorry’s face and prepares to strike, but Dorry knocks him down with his shield. Luffy uses his rubber body to grab a tree from the forest, taking off and dodging another of Dorry’s sword attacks. He then uses Gomu Gomu no Rocket to lunge towards Dorry, nearly knocking him down. Dorry steps on him and realizes that Luffy is a Devil Fruit user and that he was careless and falls unconscious. Luffy gets out of the dirt. Vivi said that she thinks Dorry will be fine and that Luffy did the right thing because he wouldn’t have calmed down otherwise. Luffy is angry and says that it couldn’t have been the other giant or one of his crewmates who planted the explosive in the barrel. He said he believed there was anyone on the island besides his crew and the giants.
Elsewhere, a dinosaur tries to bite something white and destroys its teeth. The dinosaur is confused from being in front of the wax house. Mr. 5 commands the dinosaur to move and Miss Valentine uses a 10,000 KG press to knock it out. He then enters the wax house. Mr. 3 and Miss Goldenweek were waiting inside. Mr. 3 was drinking tea while Miss Goldenweek was sleeping. Mr. 5 praises Mr. 3 for his ability to instantly hide in the middle of the jungle. He asks to let him and his partner finish the mission since it is still theirs. Miss Valentine said they wouldn’t make the same mistake twice. Mr. 3 mocks Mr. 5’s pair by saying that he failed because he is weak, not because he made a mistake. Miss Valentine stated that they failed because they had no idea that the princess would have a pirate entourage. Mr. 3 scoffs at them because he says they are resorting to childish excuses. He said that they were professionals and that losing to an opponent was as embarrassing as revealing the existence of their organization to the general public. Mr. 3 goes on to say that the missions they undertake must be completed perfectly without mistakes. As a second chance, he offers them 30% of the salary for the work, since they managed to reach the goals in the Little Garden. He states that if Mr. 5’s pair still does not want him to interfere, he must take certain steps to prevent the pair from interfering with him again. Mr. 3 offers them black tea and tells them that they have a lucky opportunity on the island, a chance to earn a huge amount of money. Mr. 3 shows them Dorry and Brogy’s reward posters and thanks them for the chance to get to the island. He explains that these wanted posters are from 100 years ago and tells them that there was once a group of giant pirates who plundered city after city and terrorized the world. He goes on to say that the group was called the Warrior Giant Pirates and the captains were those known as Dorry the Blue Ogre and Brogy the Red Ogre, but their names have faded into legend. Mr. 3 said that 2 are still alive and their rewards have not been canceled either. He revealed that their 2 rewards were worth 100,000,000 Beli, 200,000,000 Beli for short. Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine are surprised to hear the huge amount of money they could make. Mr. 3 tells them that if they succeed in their mission and also bring Beli200,000,000, their promotion is guaranteed. Mr. 5 understands the reason why Mr. 3 placed the bomb in the rum barrels. Mr. 3 said that they wouldn’t have a chance to fight them head-on and told them to follow his orders. Mr. 3 said that with a little intrigue, even a mountain can be razed to the ground.
Meanwhile, the volcano erupts again and Brogy is ready to fight. Usopp is concerned about the injuries he has sustained, but Brogy tells him that both he and Dorry were injured in a previous battle and that such excuses would only tarnish one’s honor in a ruthless fight to the death.
Dorry tries to get up and fight, and Vivi tries to stop him, warning him that if he fights, he may die from his injuries. Dorry says he swears to fight worthy of Elbaf’s honor.