Luffy recovers from his fight after the Krieg Pirates leave. He realizes that his debt to Zeff has been fulfilled and he can now leave. He wants Sanji to come, but the stubborn cook doesn’t want to leave the restaurant, despite his dream of finding All Blue.
When it’s time for lunch, they get to the kitchen where all the cooks are already eating. Sanji is bullied by the others, mocking his cooking talent by considering his soup to be the worst they have ever eaten. Sanji angrily replies that his soup is just as good as Zeff’s. Zeff punches him for insolence. Sanji leaves the room, full of anger.
While he is out, the chefs reveal their true feelings about wanting Sanji to fulfill his dream and leave the ship with Luffy.
After Luffy wins his battle with Don Krieg, Gin plans to take Krieg with him. Patty and Carne try to stop him as the poison gas was still in his body, but Gin ignores it and tells Sanji to tell Luffy “See you again in the Grand Line”. Suddenly, Gin vomits blood and believes he will die within two to three hours. Contemplating his folly in accepting his inevitable death, he decides to do whatever he wants in the meantime. He then recalls Krieg’s teaching that if you decide to do something, do it without hesitation, no matter how strong your opponent is. Sanji listens to Gino’s words and asks Patty and Carne to give him their shopping ship. They don’t agree at first, but Sanji forces them with his very powerful kicking techniques.
Suddenly, Luffy wakes up in Baratie and asks where his straw hat is. Sanji informs him that his hat is in Luffy’s hand. Luffy opens the patch and asks about the Krieg Pirates. Sanji wonders if they left and tells Luffy about Gino’s order. Luffy wonders if Gin wants to meet Sanji again and is scolded for his stupidity. Luffy suddenly remembers that Zeff promised that today was his last day at work. Luffy continues to beg for Sanji to join his crew. Sanji refuses as he wants to continue working on Baratie as Zeff has recognized his mastery. Finally, Luffy gives up hope. Sanji keeps his promise to go to the Grand Line one day. Sanji asks if Luffy knows about All Blue. Sanji then informs him of his dream to find the place and looks happy. Zeff sees joy in Sanji as he dreams of All Blue and makes plans.
Now it’s Luffy’s break. Luffy and Sanji arrive at the dining room, but there are no chairs for them. The cook tells them to sit on the floor. Suddenly, Patty asks who made the soup, to which Sanji says that he did. Patty takes offense and says it tastes bad. Sanji is angry when he hears this and insults Patty. However, everyone in the room agrees with Patty that the soup Sanji made is really bad. Zeff also tastes it and agrees with the chefs. Sanji becomes enraged and pulls Zeff by the collar, but Zeff punches him, knocking Sanji out of the restaurant. Luffy eats the soup and grins as he announces that it is delicious. Zeff then explains the scenario and asks Luffy to take Sanji with him on his travels as his dream is to go to the Grand Line. Unfortunately, Sanji, outside, overhears their conversation.