Luffy confronts Arlong while the rest of the crew fight the other fishmen.
After Luffy’s explosive entrance, Arlong identifies himself, which Luffy does likewise as he walks towards him. He is stopped by two of Arlong’s men, saying he needs to talk to them before continuing, but Luffy simply slams the two heads together and knocks them out, shocking Arlong and the rest of the crew. Arlong asks what the other pirate wants with him, but Luffy ignores his attempts at diplomacy and punches the fishman captain in the face with a huge fist, sending him crashing into the opposite wall, startling the rest of the Arlong pirates. As he does so, he remembers Nami’s tearful plea for help. Arlong seems unharmed despite what just happened and instead angrily wonders what Luffy is doing as Luffy furiously yells that Arlong made his navigator cry.
After this declaration of war, the fishmen attack Luffy. However, they are easily knocked back with a few kicks from Sanji, angering Arlong even more. As the rest of the crew enter, Sanji chides Luffy for rushing ahead, but Luffy replies that he won’t lose. Sanji retorted that he wasn’t worried about Luffy and just wanted him to leave some of the fighting for the others. At the very back, Usopp says he doesn’t mind if Luffy doesn’t share, and Zoro skewers him for his lack of courage. The rest of the pirates are surprised to see Zoro, with Hatchan especially enraged after being tricked by Zoro, and are shocked to see that Usopp is also still alive. Just outside, the other villagers are amazed at the Straw Hat’s abilities. Johnny and Yosaku state that even these four cannot defeat the fishmen, there is no hope for East Blue, and once again make clear their determination to prevent the villagers from interfering. Genzo demands to know why these men are going to such lengths for them, and the couple simply states that it’s reason enough to make Nami cry. Arlong realizes that the four are there for Nami, but just laughs and asks what humans can do to fish people. Hatchan states that Arlong has no time to waste on them as he summons Momoo with his trumpet call, much to the horror of the villagers and Usopp, as it is revealed that he was the one who destroyed Gosa. However, Momoo is still hurt from his earlier encounter with Luffy and Sanji, who are not too surprised to see him again. Momoo remembered the beating he received at their hands and turned and ran to Hatchan’s confusion. Arlong then demands to know if Momoo is running, and while saying that he won’t stop him, he gives a mischievous smile. Momoo freezes and starts shaking in fear before deciding he’s more afraid of Arlong than the Straw Hats, turning and attacking them as the rest of the fishmen follow. As the Straw Hat crew prepares to fight, Luffy angrily says that it’s a waste of time. He stomps on the ground hard enough to sink into the rock up to his ankles, stretching his body and extending his arms to grab Momoo by the horns, shocking the fish man by revealing his Devil Fruit powers. Zoro yells at Sanji to run for it as he has a bad feeling about what Luffy is about to do, which is confirmed by Luffy using his coiled body to spin Momoo around him in a giant circle and slam him into the fishmen and pillar , which lifted the canopy of the tower and knocked them down. Luffy then sends the unconscious sea cow flying into the water as he dramatically turns to Arlong and states that he is only there to beat him up. Arlong, now thoroughly enraged, states that this is perfect as he now plans to kill Luffy himself. Hatchan, Kuroobi, and Chew themselves prepare to enter the fight, which Zoro is excited about. Meanwhile, Usopp and Sanji angrily berate Luffy for his reckless move.