The Straw Hats continue to party with the villagers of Cocoyasi to celebrate their freedom. Nami decides to replace her Arlong Pirates tattoo with a new one consisting of an orange and a pinwheel. Genzo, who started wearing a pinwheel to make her smile like a child, promises Luffy that he will never take Nami’s smile away. The next day, the Straw Hats break up with the villagers, Johnny and Yosaku, and Nami decides to leave all of her stolen money with the villagers before she leaves. However, she robs them while running into the ship and happily says goodbye to everyone as she and the crew sail away.
Night is falling in East Blue, but the partying in Cocoyasi Village continues as the people continue to celebrate their hard-won freedom from the Arlong Pirates. Luffy stuffs himself with meat and asks Sanji about the raw ham melon the chef ate. Sanji goes flirting with the women while Usopp proclaims his achievements to the cheering crowd. Meanwhile, Genzo goes to Bell-mère’s grave and pours sake on it, telling her that her daughters have become strong women who remind him of her. He then says that everyone will do their best to live life to the fullest from now on because of those who died in their fight for freedom. Luffy then bursts into the scene looking for a raw ham melon and tries to leave after not seeing any but is stopped by Genzo. Luffy notices the grave and offers his condolences, and Genzo tells him that if he removes the smile from Nami’s face, he will kill the pirate himself, which Luffy understands.
Meanwhile, Nojiko notes that Chabo is not grieving over his father’s death, and Chabo replies that no good would come of such thoughts. Nojiko then pecks him in the face because his response stopped her from picking on him. Inside the room, Dr. Nako tells Nami that her tattoo can’t be completely erased because it would leave a scar. Nami recalls Nojiko recounting her pain at being branded with the Arlong Pirates tattoo, and how Nojiko proceeded to get her own tattoos to match. Nami then asks Naka to tattoo something else in her place and shows him a piece of paper with what she has in mind.
The next day, the straw pirates prepare to leave the island. Johnny and Yosaku bid them farewell as they intend to continue their lives as bounty hunters. Usopp wonders where Nami is and Zoro suggests that she might not come. Genzo and Nako express their shock when they hear that Nami is leaving her Beli 100,000,000 in the village, but Nojiko says that her sister was content to steal more money later. Nami then approaches the villagers and yells at the Straw Hats to set sail before running towards the Going Merry. Shocked to realize that Nami is not giving them a chance to thank her, Genzo and the villagers break through the crowd and jump off the dock onto the Merry. Nami then drops the wallets and money she stole from the villagers and they yell at her in anger, though they are still grateful to her. Genzo tells Luffy to remember their promise and Nami happily shouts goodbye to the villagers. Nako hands Genzo the paper Nami gave him when she got her new tattoo, revealing its design: a mandarin orange attached to a pinwheel. Nojiko notices that Genzo is no longer wearing his pinwheel and replies that he no longer needs it. When Nami was a child, Bell-mère got mad at Genzo for making her cry with his scary face. In response, Genzo put a pinwheel on his hat, which made her laugh. The pinwheel, like the orange, now sits in front of Bell-mère’s grave.