One Piece Manga Chapter 523

Read One Piece Manga Chapter 523




Hancock is confused by her desire to do whatever Luffy requests without thinking it over. Nyon explains that it is love and warns that previous empresses who fell in love with men but chose to stay on the island, died from the pain of not being with their loved one. However, Hancock will survive if she goes with Luffy, meaning she must leave the island. Nyon also advises that by fulfilling her duty as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Hancock will not only be defending Amazon Lily but also helping Luffy.
Outside, Luffy says his goodbyes to the Kujas and promises to have his crew visit them someday. As Hancock comes, she kicks aside a puppy and a baby seal and tells a Kuja to be more careful. When Luffy sees her and wishes to hurry, she looks away blushing, thinking she cannot look at him in the eyes. When someone tells him to call her Snake Princess, Hancock bashfully asks him to call her Hancock, wowing the Kuja’s by her smile. However, Luffy accidentally calls her “Hammock” and she corrects him. Hancock leaves the country in the hands of her sisters, while she and the hidden Luffy set off for Impel Down aboard Vice Admiral Momonga’s ship. Hancock unfreezes the Marines that were frozen in stone and they begin the way to the prison.
A Marine brings news to Sengoku that Hancock was heading towards the headquarters. Sengoku is apparently pleased, stating that Hancock was the sixth of the Seven Warlords. The seventh that is not willing to join the war against Whitebeard is Jinbe. Sengoku had Jinbe sent to Impel Down because the Warlord had vehemently opposed the war.
Another Marine enters, stating that Admiral Kizaru had captured 500 pirates from the Sabaody Archipelago Incident. Sengoku says not to annoy him unless it is about Whitebeard and that is when another Marine enters, saying that the Whitebeard Pirates were on the move. The Marine says that they lost contact with the 23 ships guarding Whitebeard, all of them instantly vanishing, most probably taken out by the Whitebeard Pirates. He also states that other pirate crews are on the move in the New World. Sengoku tells the Marines to start guarding Impel Down in case Whitebeard tries to break Ace out.
Meanwhile, Monkey D. Garp is in Impel Down, going to visit Ace in prison. Garp asks Ace if he is still alive, and Ace glares back.
This is when the Straw Hat Pirates start ending up after Bartholomew Kuma sent the Straw Hats flying.
Nami has landed on Weatheria, a Sky Island where the residents study the science of weather. In an effort to cheer her up, a man demonstrates the power of Wind Knots for Nami. When the gale knocks her over, she punches the man again.
Franky has landed in Baldimore, a futuristic kingdom on a Snow Island. Franky is attacked by a dog weapon, who mistook the cyborg for prey. Two citizens offer Franky clothing for the cold climate, but Franky refuses and teaches them his Super Dance.
Sanji has landed on Momoiro Island, also known as “The Second Isle of Women”. He writes a mental letter to Nami and Robin as he runs away from a crowd of Okama, who insist that he become one as well.

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