Kaidou flies around Kuri looking for Luffy and Law, and his subordinates realize that he is drunk and in danger of destroying the entire region. Law takes Luffy to deal with Kaido and prevent any of their crews and allies from being discovered, but Hawkins tells Kaidou that the two of them are in the ruins of Oden Castle, which he doesn’t actually know to be true. Kaidou decimates the ruins with his Boro Breath and Luffy immediately responds by hitting him in the head with the Elephant Gun.
Kin’emon confirms Law’s statement that Kaidou has arrived and reveals that Kaidou can transform into a dragon. Momonosuke begins to feel ill as he also turns into a dragon, shocking Kiku and Shinoba. Luffy notices that Kaidou is near Okobore City, and in response to Kin’emon wondering why he came here, Law reveals that he, Luffy, and Zoro have been exposed. However, he notes that it shouldn’t affect the plan too much since Kaidou only targeted him and Luffy for taking out Caesar Clown and Doflamingo’s SMILE operations. Luffy races towards Okobore City and Law decides to follow him, as dealing with Kaida should not expose the rest of their alliance.
In Bakura City, people are sent into a frenzy after Kaidou’s arrival, Hawkins is surprised and Holed’em wonders if Kaidou has come to execute him. The citizens of Okobore town as well as the thieves from Mount Atama attempt to escape as Kaidou hovers directly above them and the Yonko recognizes Shutenmaru. Kaidou remembers his previous encounter with the thief and asks him to become his subordinate, revealing that he is drunk. Shocked by his general’s drunkenness, Jack says that Kuri and her workers will likely be decimated if he continues his rampage.
Law catches up with Luffy who is still running towards Okobore City and berates him for trying to help the citizens. Meanwhile, Kin’emon and Kiku also flee to the town of Okobore after Kin’emon hears that Tsuru is there and is shocked that she hasn’t remarried in the 20 years he’s been gone before telling Kiku to return to Oden Castle . Hawkins goes to Okobore City to tell Kaidou that Luffy and Law are in the ruins of Oden Castle, causing Kaidou to immediately head there. Hawkins reveals to Jack that he lied to Kaidou to stop his rampage and also tried to remove the suspicious light that led to the rumors of the Kozuki family’s return. While Luffy and Law aren’t at Oden Castle, most of their allies are, and they flee in terror as an enraged Kaido flies right at them. Kaidou walks past Luffy and Law as he unleashes a devastating fire breath that instantly obliterates Oden Castle and the onlookers are shocked at how fast and powerful his attack was. Law then notices that Luffy is no longer next to him, and the Kuri people watch as Luffy jumps over Kaido and uses the Gomu Gomu no Elephant Gun to hit the Emperor right in the head.