Kamazo falls, but Zoro soon passes out from his injuries. The woman and Toko take him to the Northern Cemetery and treat his injuries, explaining that they were banished from the Flower Capital after angering Orochi. The woman then reveals herself to be Kozuki Hiyori and is looking for her brother Momonosuke.
Meanwhile, Kin’emon reports to the Minks that the Shogunate and the Beasts Pirates have discovered the Kozuki family’s secret message. In Ebisu City, Shinobu believes the Heart Pirates have discovered the meaning of the message and wants to let them die, causing Kanjuro to argue with her. Tonoyasu then arrives with a copy of the message and wonders if it’s time for the final battle.
Kamazo falls after being hit by Zoro’s attack, leaving Gyukimaru, Toko, and the woman stunned. Zoro is unfortunate to have injured himself before the final battle, and as Gyukimaru takes one of Kamaz’s scythes and leaves, Zoro spins from the wound and passes out.
Meanwhile, Kin’emon arrives at an abandoned village in Kuri and reports to Inuarashi and the Musketeers that Kaidou and Orochi’s forces have discovered the meaning of the crescent moon mark and the secret message they were distributing. While questioning how the news was revealed, Kaidou and Orochi’s henchmen arrest several allies of the Kozuki family in the flower capital. As X Drake patrols the city with Hawkins, he is unhappy with how quickly word of the hit has spread, leaving them nowhere to go in peace. In the Red-Light District, one of Kyoshiro’s men reports to him that Komurasaki’s wake has been canceled due to the great emotion of the masses mourning her death. Many of them are gathered outside Kyoshiro’s residence, with some of them angry at him for killing her. However, Kyoshiro says that killing her was the only thing he could do, and he was the one who was hurt the most by her death. He then examines the secret Kozuki message he found at the banquet, noting that Orochi is upset about it.
In Ebisu Town, Sanji, whose face is badly beaten by Nami from the spa experience, pleads for Law and Shinobu to stop fighting. Shinobu believes that Law’s captured crewmates have discovered the meaning of the message, and Law absolutely refuses to consider it, as he intends to prove them wrong once he rescues them. Shinobu replies that they should get rid of them no matter what, as they couldn’t afford to let things go wrong with a plan they’d been waiting 20 years to see come to fruition. However, Kanjuro disagrees with her, saying that it is most important that they keep the allies they have gained, or else they will not be able to take down Orochi and Kaidou. Tonoyasu then enters their house and to their surprise recognizes Shinoba and Kanjuro. He shows them a copy of the report and talks about the rumors swirling around the Flower Capital, wondering if the time has really come for the final battle.
Zoro wakes up in a house in the Northern Graveyard and a woman tells him to lie down while she thanks him for saving her and Toko. Zoro immediately tries to leave to find Gyukimaru and Shusui, but the woman holds him back and inadvertently aggravates his injuries. Toko offers Zoro some of the toad oil she stole to help heal the wound. When Zoro receives the food and alcohol he requested, the woman tells him about Gyukimaru and reveals that she will ambush anyone who comes to the Oihagi Bridge to take his weapons. Zoro then questions who they are and wonders why Kamazo is chasing them. The woman says that they were forced to leave the Flower Capital after angering Orochi, and since Zoro believes, she decides to reveal that she is Kozuki Hiyori and is looking for her older brother, Momonosuke.