Fukurokuju reports to Orochi that Ushimitsu Kozo has been captured, and after learning his identity, Orochi arranges for him to be executed as Komurasaki’s funeral is taking place. Ushimitsu Kozo is none other than Tonoyasu, whom Kanjuro and Shinobu finally recognize as a former daimyo of the Kozuki family named Yasuie. Brook tells Zoro, Hiyori and Toko the news and Toko tries to save her father.
In the Prison Mines, the Queen learns of Komurasaki’s “death” and unbeknownst to him, Luffy and Hyogoro are very fed up from eating all of his o-shiruko. Meanwhile, one of Holed’em’s men sets Mt. Atama on fire, causing Shutenmaru and the thieves from Mt. Atama to head to Bakura City for revenge, and Kin’emon and Inuarashi’s group sets out to apprehend Shutenmaru.
The flower capital is sent into uproar as the citizens hear news that Kuri is plagued by a forest fire and that Ushimitsu Kozo has been captured. At Orochi Castle, Fukurokuju asks to speak with Orochi about Ushimitsu Kozo, saying that his identity is quite important. An angry Orochi breaks through the wall in tears, in no mood to listen to anything due to mourning Komurasaki. Fukurokuju says that Kyoshiro made the right decision to kill her because it protected the Shogun’s honor and continues to talk about Ushimitsu Kozo who is being held in a prison in Rasetsu District. He reveals the thief’s true identity and Orochi is shocked to find that he is still alive. Orochi states that they will make an example of him by broadcasting his execution, and Kyoshiro reveals that the broadcast equipment is already set up for Komurasaki’s funeral. Orochi looks forward to Ushimitsu Kozo making an offering to Komurasaki’s grave and prepares to witness the event in person.
In the Prison Mines, Kaidou contacts the Queen to tell him that Komurasaki has died, and the recently awakened Queen is completely distraught at the news. Kaidou tells Queen to use Filming Pond Tanishi to see for himself, and as Queen activates it, Luffy calls out to him, ready to continue the fight. Queen is shocked to see Luffy and Hyogoro looking much bigger since last night, and in the shadows, Raizo and Caribou notice that the two have obviously stood out after eating so much food. Queen’s subordinates wonder if they should tell him that all of his o-shiruko disappeared last night, but decide not to with Queen, who is already very emotional over Komurasaki’s death. Filming Pond Tanishi then activates.
At Mount Atama in Kuri, the Mount Atama thieves are unable to put out a massive forest fire and are forced to flee. One of them captures and subdues one of Holed’em’s subordinates, who is pinned for starting the fire, and Shutenmaru goes to defeat Holed’em, though such an action is bound to inflame Kaidou’s anger. At an abandoned village in Kuri, Inuarashi reports to Kin’emon that Ashura Doji is on its way to Bakura City, and Kin’emon prepares to leave immediately. He didn’t mind the range of fire as long as it kept Ashura in the spotlight as they needed to get him to make a move to help in their quest to bring him back to their cause. In Bakura Town, Holed’em prepares to watch the events in the Flower Capital while relishing his mistaken belief that Shutenmaru died in a forest fire.
Meanwhile, Brook enters a house in the North Cemetery and is shocked to see people inside without first noticing Zora among them. When he notices Zoro, he is shocked to see Hiyori lying on his chest. Brook learns who Hiyori is and she realizes that he is the reason why the residents are leaving offerings in front of the well. Brook then tells them about Komurasaki’s upcoming funeral, as well as the upcoming execution of Ushimitsu Kozo, who is actually Tonoyasu. Zoro and Toko are shocked to hear this, with Toko revealing that he is her father and immediately running to save him despite Hiyori’s pleas. Hiyori goes after her to protect her, causing Zoro to follow them due to their struggle for survival the previous day, and Brook also accompanies them. In the flower capital, distraught citizens cry as Komurasaki’s coffin is brought down the road, though it is taken to the Rasetsu district to be cremated as a criminal.
In the town of Ebisu, the residents watch Tonoyasu’s crucifixion from the Tanishi filming pond, while Kanjuro and Shinobu eventually recognize him as Yasuie, a former daimyo of Hakumai who served under the Kozuki family. The citizens of Flower Capital have rallied around Yasuie, begging for his release, and Yasu is glad that they haven’t forgotten about him. He prepares to apologize for two things and also say something to Orochi before he dies.