Straw Hat Pirates start wreaking havoc in Rasetsu town. Orochi retreats while the Straw Hats retrieve Yasuie’s body and fight the Shogun’s forces.
Back in Udon, Kid was recaptured and brought back to the Prison Mines along with Kamaz. After it is revealed that Kamazo is the killer, the queen subjects them both to water torture. As tensions between Queen and Luffy begin to rise, Big Mom finally arrives at the prison.
The citizens around Rasetsu City are shocked to see the criminals Zoro-juurou and Sangoro together, and Zoro and Sanji are angry to see the other. Hiyori wonders if Sanji is Zoro’s friend, and X Drake enters his allosaur hybrid form. Orochi expresses his anger at Zoro and Sanji standing in his way and tells his samurai to kill them. Zoro hands Toko over to Sanji and Shinobu tells Usopp and Franky that they need to retrieve Yasuie’s body so it won’t be displayed on the execution platform. Nami and Robin think about where they should meet after escaping the Flower Capital, and to Sanji’s shock, Zoro prepares an attack against Orochi.
Remembering his first interactions with Yasu, Zoro unleashes air blasts on Orochi, who freezes in fear. However, Kyoshiro arrives and intercepts the attack with his sword, and as Sanji chastises Zoro, Drake lunges at him in his full allosaur form, forcing him to jump out of the way. Daikoku orders the samurai to shoot at Zoro and he does nothing while Franky steps in and intercepts the bullets before overpowering the samurai with a Strong Right. The Rasetsu prisoners wonder what is going on as Franky takes Yasuie’s body and Usopp, Nami and Robin support him from afar. Meanwhile, Kyoshiro orders Orochi to be taken back to his castle and intercepts the attacking Zoro to prevent him from reaching the Shogun.
In the prison mines of Udon, Luffy cheers on his crew members as he watched the broadcast of their rebellion. Queen then receives word that two captured criminals have arrived at the mines, and Babanuki reveals that one of them is Kamazo, whom Orochi left to their whims after the mission failed, and the other is Eustass Kid, whom they unexpectedly met on the way back. One of the guards reveals that Kid charged towards them and didn’t put up any resistance when they shot him. Kid wonders why Kamazo, who is actually his Killer crew mate, keeps laughing after beating up anyone who mocked his laughter and even wearing a mask to hide it in the past. Luffy is shocked to hear that this is Killer, and Hyogoro notices that Supernova has fallen victim to a SMILE.
Kid and Killer are then chained by the ankles and briefly submerged in a tub of water. The Queen then lets their heads submerge again and launches Sumo Inferno back, stating that they won’t be pulled out of the water until Luffy and Hyogoro are dead. Luffy gets angry at Queen and throws a punch at him, but Queen easily catches it and throws her aside. He taunts Luffy for thinking he has a chance to win at this, and his subordinates worry about his cranky attitude, wondering if it’s because he didn’t have any o-shiruko today. Luffy declares that he will decide where he will die when there is a sudden loud noise outside the mines. The queen’s subordinates reveal that they have lost all communication with the guards outside the gate as Big Mom, lusting after the o-shiruko, reaches the entrance.