Unable to defend himself and Hyogoro from Big Mom, Luffy rampages around the Prison Mines. Queen devises a plan to attack her when she gets to him, and when she does, he strikes her from above in her brachiosaur form. This causes Big Mom to regain her memories, but she falls asleep immediately afterwards and Queen ties her up before taking her to Onigashima. Babanuki remains in command, but Luffy decides to fight the remaining Beasts Pirates and take control of Udon.
Luffy realizes that what he did to remove his and Hyogoro’s death collar was the same technique he saw Silvers Rayleigh remove Camie’s exploding collar on Sabaody two years ago. However, since he was using it in the heat of the moment, he’s not sure how to activate it at will. Hyogoro notes that what Luffy just did was better than what he was trying to teach him, and if Luffy could do that, he should be able to protect him from the attacking Big Mom. Luffy tries to have his Haki flow through his arms, but Big Mom immediately overpowers him, sending him and Hyogoro crashing into a wall.
Luffy worriedly apologizes to Hyogoro as he pulls him off the wall, but Hyogoro reveals that he used Haki to protect himself just in case. He tells Luffy that there is another step in focusing and projecting Haki, which is the ability to destroy objects from within. That’s what Luffy did to destroy their collars, so he’s definitely capable of using advanced Haki, he just didn’t realize how to do it. Luffy and Hyogoro are then separated by Big Mom, who chases Luffy into a neighboring iron prison factory. Remaining in the mines, the Beasts pirates anxiously wonder how Big Mom can be stopped when the Queen suddenly stands up. Queen has no intention of giving up and tells her subordinates of her plan, with the idea that Big Mom, in her rampage, will eventually return to where they were.
After some time, the queen is proven right as Big Mom chases Luffy back to the prison mines and he waits on top of the cliff in his brachiosaur form. Big Mom sees the bowl of o-shiruko left as bait on the ground and stops to look into it, and Queen takes this opportunity to dive on top of it, landing on her head with her immense weight. However, Big Mom doesn’t back down from the impact and the force of the blow causes her to regain her memories and realize what happened. She then recognizes Queen, and with her aura completely different from before, the Beasts pirates have no escape from her wrath. However, Big Mom then falls asleep and Queen immediately orders her to be chained with pure Seastone and injected with their heaviest anesthetic. The Queen had most of her subordinates accompany him and Big Mom on the ship bound for Onigashima, leaving Babanuki to lead the small remnant of the crew in restoring order to the prison. As the Queen’s ship sets sail, the prison gate begins to close, and Tama decides to slip inside along with a reluctant Momonosuke. With communication still down, Luffy prepares to shoot down Babanuki and his forces. As Babanuki thinks aloud that Luffy was now free, Luffy remarks that he has always been free and will now take over the prison.