After leaving Skypiea, the Roger Pirates tracked the remaining three Road Poneglyphs to Fish-Man Island, Wano Country, and Zou, and Toki, Momonosuke, Hiyori, Inuarashi, and Nekomamushi remained on Wano due to Toki falling ill. Oden continued to adventure with the Roger Pirates until they reached the last island where Roger found the treasure left behind by Joy Boy. The treasure caused him to laugh a lot, leading him to name the island Laugh Tale.
Roger’s pirates made it out of Skypiea safely and made it to Water 7. There, Oden, Inuarashi, and Nekomamushi revealed that there was a red Poneglyph in both of their lands, and Roger was upset that they hadn’t told him sooner. After stealing Big Mom’s Road Poneglyph and having a strong hunch where the last one might be, Roger became excited at the prospect of finding all four Road Poneglyphs. The crew then met up with Tom and Oden spoke to Franky and asked if the young orphan would like to come with them. Franky refused, not wanting to be abandoned by the pirates again.
The crew sail off to several other destinations as they sing Binks’ Sake to pass the time, at one point running into Tequila Wolf. After passing the Sabaody Archipelago, they traveled underwater to Fish-Man Island and both Roger and Oden heard sounds around them. They were then stopped by Neptune and his guards and taken to an island. Neptune told Roger that he had heard a prophecy that the gates of Fish-Man Island would be destroyed, and he suspected that Roger would be the one to do it. Just then, Neptune’s men informed him that the Sea King had attacked the gates and that there was a hole in the bubble wall. Neptune ordered the bubble sealed, lamenting that the prophecy had come true regardless of their efforts, and Roger the Pirates yelled at him for accusing them.
Then 3-year-old Shyarly declared that the sea kings were restless because they were waiting for the mermaid princess to be born. This surprised everyone, including Neptune, as he was not yet married. Neptune then took the Roger Pirates to the Road Poneglyph as well as the Poneglyph containing Joy Boy’s apology letter, but they were surprised to not find Ancient Poseidon there as Skypie’s Poneglyph said. However, Neptune revealed that Shyarly had recently predicted that a mermaid would soon be born who could speak to the Sea Kings. So he believed that his future daughter would be Poseidon. Roger asked Shyarly when the mermaid princess would be born and she replied that it would be 10 years. Rayleigh assured Neptune that they were not after a weapon, but rather the treasure of the weapon’s creator.
The Roger Pirates later left Fish-Man Island and continued their adventures in the New World. However, as they neared Wano, Toki developed a fever and collapsed. Declaring that she could not continue sailing in this condition, Crocus ordered her to disembark on Wano as she had originally wanted. Inuarashi, Nekomamushi and Oden decide to stay on Wano with Toki, but Toki tells Oden to fulfill his promise and finish his adventure. Kin’emon, Kanjuro, Raizo, Kawamatsu, and Kikunojo greeted Oden’s family in Kuri and begged Oden to return and rule Wano, but Toki silenced them as Oden decided to continue his journey with Roger. As Oden made his way back to the shore, he decided not to look back at his land that was now littered with factories, knowing that if he did he would not be able to leave it again. After rewriting the Poneglyphs, Roger Pirates quickly left Wano.
Later, the Roger Pirates reached Zou and delivered a letter to Duke Hitsugisukan from Inuarashi and Nekomamushi to let him know they were alive and well. They continued to search for the last Road Poneglyph in the whale tree, and then Pedro begged Roger to let him go with him, but Roger said that the young mink’s time had not yet come. With the transcriptions of all four Road Poneglyphs, the Roger Pirates mapped the final island, but as they neared it, Buggy developed a fever and he and Shanks stayed behind, the latter saying they would get there on their own ship. future. Roger’s Pirates continued to reach the last island and conquered the Grand Line, with Roger becoming the Pirate King. Oden wrote about the experience, recounting that they discovered the truths about the Void Century, the meaning of D. and the Ancient Weapons, and learned that Wano was once connected to the outside world. However, when Roger found Joy Boy’s treasure, he and the crew responded with hearty laughter. Roger wished he lived in the same era as Joy Boy and said his story was funny. Because of this, he decided to name this island “Story of Laughter”.