Oden made a deal with Kaida to allow those who survived the hour in the boiling pot to go free. Then he stepped into the boiling pot of oil and used a large piece of wood to hold all his retainers above him. As the citizens looked unfavorably on Oden, Shinobu then came and revealed to them that Oden danced in the street every week to prevent Orochi from kidnapping 100 citizens and sending them to Kaidou, with Orochi and Kaidou falsely promising to leave Wano one day. they finished building the ships.
At Oden Castle in Kuri, Kozuki Toki and her children Momonosuke and Hiyori are having dinner while a servant tests Momonosuke’s food for poison. Momonosuke questions why his life is the target, and Toki explains that it is because he is the heir to the Kozuki family. As the food is cleared away for the family, Momonosuke questions his mother about his father’s execution before tearing up.
In the Flower Capital, Kozuki Oden and the nine red sheaths are about to be executed as a vessel of boiling oil is prepared. As the citizens rush to the scene, Oden walks towards the pot while being watched by Kurozumi Orochi and Kaido as the citizens comment on Oden’s crime. Oden stops and turns to ask Kaido for a chance to save him. The guard tries to rush Oden, but he slips and falls into the pot and is instantly burned. Oden offers ten of them to enter the pot for a set time, and those who survive will be released. Kaidou, certain there is no chance of survival, complies with Oden’s request and sets the clock to one hour.
As the onlookers watch intently, Oden steps into the boiling pot and immediately cries out in pain. As the Scabbards rush forward to join their master, Oden orders them to stand on a large wooden platform, which he uses to hold them overhead and save his men from torture.
Orochi complains that the Scabbards aren’t standing in the oil, but Kaidou enjoys the show and says they’re in the pot as agreed. After a minute, the audience is amazed at Oden’s stamina. As the four minutes pass, the citizens begin to complain about how long the execution is taking, causing Shinobu to attack them and call them fools.
Shinobu then reveals the truth about Oden’s attack on Orochi five years ago. While protected behind Kurozumi Semimaru’s barrier, Orochi revealed that he went after the shogunate as revenge against all the citizens of Wano country for persecuting and hunting the Kurozumi family after his grandfather’s betrayal. As part of his revenge, Orochi kidnapped many citizens and held them in his castle. When Oden tried to attack once more, Kaidou stepped in to fight him until Orochi offered him a choice: If Oden continued to fight them, more lives would be lost, but if Oden humiliated himself by making everyone performed a naked dance a week, 100 people would be spared.
Oden agreed to the deal and Orochi and Kaido promised to leave Wano within five years. Oden also went to different regions to check if Orochi lived up to his words. Shinobu finishes his story as the citizens are shocked by the act of the savior they called a fool.