Marco and Perospero meet Big Mom and she confirms that she is an ally of Kaida. Perospero accepts this, and so Marco breaks up with him; meanwhile, Carrot goes to attack Perospero to avenge Pedro’s death. On the roof of the Skull Dome, the Red Scabbards continue to successfully penetrate Kaidou’s skin with their Busoshoku Haki. Kaidou tries another Bolo Breath attack, but Raizo absorbs it with the scroll and releases it back to him. Kin’emon, Denjiro, Ashura Doji, and Inuarashi then use Oden’s Nitorya and simultaneously attack Kaido at the spot where Oden scarred him 20 years ago.
Charlotte Perospero reaches Big Mom, who confirms that she is indeed in alliance with Kaida and reveals that the alliance was her idea. Perospero reminds Big Mom that their crew wants to make her a pirate king, but she replies that she knows and asks if her children don’t trust her. This seems to calm Perospero down and drop the problem. Marco then speaks and notes that the alliance between him and Perospero to take down Kaida no longer exists. Big Mom scolds Marco for joining the alliance against Kaidou, saying that the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates have gone astray. However, Marco replies that they were no longer bound by Whitebeard’s will when he was dead, and Big Mom understands and accepts Marco’s decision. Meanwhile, Wanda chases Carrot and asks her where she is going, and Carrot reveals that she is heading towards Perospero to avenge Pedro’s death. Elsewhere, Luffy continues towards the roof of the dome as the samurai clears his way, and Yamato continues to pursue Shinobu and Momonosuke.
Meanwhile, Black Maria and some of her crew hide in the Tatami Room away from the fighting and ask Maria to play them a song. As Black Maria strums her shamisen and begins to tell a story, the Red Scabbards rush towards Kaido on the dome roof. Kaidou lets out a powerful roar that summons small bolts of lightning that shatter the ground beneath the samurai. Nekomamushi scratches Kaidou’s head with his claws while Kawamatsu performs a circular sword strike around Kaidou’s head. To the shock of Kaidou’s subordinates, he manages to injure both attacks, though Kaidou is able to knock Kawamatsu onto a rock with his front foot. Inuarashi stabs Kaidou with his prosthetic sword leg while Kikunojo and Izou hit the emperor with flying slashes and bullets. Kaidou wonders in confusion how the Sheaths can hurt him since none of their attacks resembled Oden’s.
Kaidou prepares another Bolo Breath attack against the samurai, but Raizo then summons a giant scroll that catches the burst of fire and engulfs him whole. Raizo says that his scrolls can wrap around anything in existence, and before releasing the fire, Raizo wrapped the entire body of the Kaidou dragon from it. Kaidou wails in pain as the fire engulfs him, but emerges with no visible damage. Kin’emon then recalls the time when Oden offered to teach the Sheaths his fighting style to Oden Nitoryu, but they refused. Oden later wondered why they wouldn’t learn his great style, and Toki replied that if they did, they would fight each other over who would be Oden’s best student because everyone loved him so much. In the present, Kin’emon, Denjiro, Ashura Doji, and Inuarashi each draw two swords and stand in a stance reminiscent of Oden’s. Kaido mocks their imitation of Oden as cheaply as he prepares another Bolo Breath, but the four samurai leap at him, simultaneously cutting him where Oden scarred him 20 years ago.