Tama, alongside Komachiyo and Hihimaru, rescues Usopp and Nami from Page One and Ulti. Yamato continues to fight Sasaki to protect Momonosuke and Shinoba; the fight is about to escalate when Franky rushes in, pursued by Hatcha. Hatcha breaks a hole in the floor, allowing Momonosuke, Shinobu, and Yamato to escape, while Yamato launches an attack that knocks Hatcha down.
In various parts of the Skull Dome, Law searches for the Road Poneglyph, hoping to learn the truth about Will D’s secret. Kid and Killer make their way through the building to the roof where Kaidou is, gathering as many people as possible. weapons along the way. When Kaido overpowers the Nine Red Sheaths, Big Mom flies through the crowd to the roof where she is.
Luffy’s group also heads to the roof when Sanji overhears something.
In the bathroom at the head of the Skull Dome, Ulti and Page One wonder what they thought before Tama grabs Nami and Usopp and runs off. Ulti demands that Side One tear the komaina apart, but he snaps that she should do it herself, which upsets her. Nami asks Usopp if he’s okay, and he says yes, even though he clearly isn’t. He says he’s fine on the bright side, which annoys him. Nami asks Tama how she and Komachiyo got to Onigashima and she replies that she snuck aboard an enemy ship. Hihimaru the baboon suddenly appears and confronts Page One when Tama asks him to hold them back for three minutes. Nami starts to worry that Hihimaru may not stand a chance against the two Tobiroppas, but Tama tells her not to underestimate his strength and that they can be samurai.
In the center tower of the right brain, Yamato continues to strafe Sasaki’s armored division. They in turn continue to attack the Yamato. Momonosuke becomes worried about him and Shinobu asks Yamato to take Momonosuke and leave her behind. Yamato refuses, saying that Oden wouldn’t do that. Sasaki begins to draw his sword and angrily tells Yamato that he finds it insulting that he would say such a thing to him and protect “dead weight”. When Yamato sees this, they start to change and become sharp.
Before the two can start fighting, Franky and Hatch arrive after him. Yamato recognizes Franky inside General Franky when Hatch swings his club near Franky, causing him to punch a hole in the floor. Yamato remembers that there is a floor below him and grabs Momonosuke and Shinobu to escape. Franky asks if the two have been captured, but they reply that they are rescued. Yamato asks Franky to take care of Sasaki and that Luffy put him in charge of protecting the two. While Franky does not know who Yamato is, he accepts nonetheless. As a thank you, Yamato uses a move called Narikabura and fires a Busoshoku Haki shot at Hatch, hitting him in the head and defeating him. Sasaki orders his soldiers to pursue Yamato, who tells Momonosuke that he must live because he believes he is the one who will lead the world to dawn.
On the second basement floor, Trafalgar Law defeats several guards and approaches the Poneglyph while thinking about what Donquixote Rosinante said about the name “D.” and how they are considered enemies of the gods. He also remembered when Robin revealed his full name earlier, which surprised her. She appreciates the trust he’s shown in telling her, but she can’t answer because despite her interest in Luffy’s name, she has no interest in knowing. Law realizes that they must follow the Poneglyphs on the road to understand the meaning. Unfortunately, the Poneglyph he finds isn’t red, so he decides to keep looking. He tells Rosinante that he is now trying to find meaning in the “checkered life” he is supposed to lead.
On the third floor, Eustass Kid uses his devil fruit to collect metal objects and asks Killer if he has collected enough. Killer replies that since they’re fighting the strongest pirate in the world, it doesn’t hurt to have too much, which excites Kid. On the roof of the Skull Dome, Kaido continues to fight the Scabbards and begins to overpower them. At the Live Stage, Big Mom returns, but says she only plans to join Kaidou on the roof.
Luffy, Jinbe, and Sanji manage to reach the second floor of the castle, and Jinbe tells Luffy that the roof is above the fifth floor. Suddenly, Sanji asks them if they heard the sound from the third floor. He focuses and hears someone speaking in a seductive voice.